Hello, World!

By Clemens Tiedt


Hi, I'm Clemens and this is my blog. As you may have gathered from the sidebar, I'm a software developer.

I currently study in the IT-Systems Engineering Master's program at HPI in Potsdam. My main interests are Operating Systems, Rust, and Mobile Development, so you can expect to see articles about these topics on here. But if I find some other interesting topic to write about, that might also end up here.

Besides Computer Science I'm passionate about Tabletop RPGs and Video Games, so I might also have ideas to share about those.

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How do Trait Objects work?

As all good deep dives do, this article starts with a slightly contrived code example. Let's say, I have this file containing a number and want to read that. Here's a (very) naive Rust implementation:...

2021-08-27 #rust #trait

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